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Tractor Tree Cutter
A tractor-mounted tree cutter designed to take out trees and stumps 1 1/2 in. below ground level is new from Stumpster Canada, Orangeville, Ontario.
The pto-powered "Tree Hog" mounts on a tractor. Its 40-in. dia., 3/4-in. steel-plate cutting wheel is mounted inside a steel housing. As it cuts, a 7-ft. high hydraulically-operated pusher bar pushes the tree over. A pair of built-in logger tongs allow the operator to hook, haul, and unhook the felled tree without leaving the tractor seat.
"The Tree Hog allows you to cut trees down below ground level without spending a lot of money for big commercial engine-powered equipment," says Sam Petetski, Canadian distributor. "The cutting wheel is equipped with carbide cutting bits. It'll handle trees up to 16 in. in dia. in a single cut and retracts under the shroud for safety when not cutting. The pusher bar can be removed so the Tree Hog can be used to cut stumps under fences without the need to remove the fence."
The cutting wheel is moved back and forth 2 ft. by a pair of hydraulic cylinders as cutting progresses. A third cylinder operates the pusher bar. The heavy steel housing prevents flying chips and debris. The Tree Hog requires a minimum 28 hp tractor and shouldn't be used on tractors that don't have adequate over-driver protection from falling limbs or "fallback" of trees.
Also available from Stumpster is a tractor-mounted stump grinder that can reduce a 19-in. dia., 16-in. high oak tree stump to an 8-in. hole in less than 3 minutes. It features a heavy duty 26-in. dia. wheel made from 3/ 4-in. steel plate fitted with carbide cutting bits. The unit operates with a two-lever control. One lever activates the cutting wheel's movement across the stump, and the other controls the cutting depth. The "Beaver" stump grinder is available in 16 or 24-in. models.  '
The Tree Hog sells for right at $6,000 and the 16-in. Beaver sells for just under $5,400 (Canadian prices).
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stumpster Canada, 33 Sunset Dr., Orangeville, Ontario, Canada L9W 2H1 (ph 519 941-2626).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #2