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Agri-Vator Seeds, Feeds And Air's Out Pasture
"I can plant, fertilize and renovate my pastures in one operation," says rancher-turned-manufacturer Cliff Lauderdale, Caldwell, Tex., who builds a one-pass pasture drill that disturbs only a fraction of the surface of established pastures while totally reworking it at root level.
The heavy-duty Agri-Vator is fitted with 15-in. long shanks that penetrate to 8 in. The base of the shank is fitted with "wings" that lift and fracture the soil. A fertilizer tube behind each shank injects fertilizer at root level. Soil is opened up by a 20-in. dia. coulter just ahead of the shank that cuts 3 to 4 in. deep. As the shank passes, the deep slot closes and seed, if required, is planted 1 to 2 in. below the surface. Packer wheels trail behind, packing the 1-in. slot opened behind each shank.
"You can use half as much fertilizer as you would normally use on the surface and get the same results. Some farmers who've used it tell me they've increased production on pastures by as much as five times," says Lauderdale.
A standard drill box mounts on the Agri-Vator frame and an extended tongue pulls a fertilizer tank behind. Lauderdale notes that the machine can be used to simply aerate fields. "It lifts and fractures soil so that it's like walking on carpet after you've used it," he says. It can also be used for no-till planting of any other crop.
The basic 9-shank Agri-Vator model sells for $4,390. The seed box, which Lauderdale has special-built by Best Mfg., sells for $3,500 and liquid and anhydrous attachments are extra. Any 10-ft. drill box could be used on the unit with the proper mounting brackets. Seven and 5-shank models are also available.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agri-Vator Mfg. Co., Rt. 1, Box 100, Caldwell, Texas 77836 (ph 409 535-7505).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #4