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Tether Rod Calf Hutch
If you've been looking for a better calf hutch, you'll like this new polyethylene "Super Hutch" that's equipped with a 6-ft. long tether rod just below the ceiling. A 5-ft. long tethering chain that's attached to the calf slides back and forth on the rod, allowing the calf to go outside without need for a fence, according to the manufacturer, RMIW, Deerfield, Wis.
The tether rod runs the full length of the hutch and is hooked to I-bolts in the ceiling. A swivel clip on each end of the chain keeps it from tangling.
"Our tether rod and chain allows the calf to go 5 ft. in either direction outside the door so she stays cleaner and keeps the chain up out of mud and manure."
The 63-1/2 in. long, 58 1/2-in. wide, and 48-in. high hutch is equipped with two 13 by 13-in. rear vents that provide cross ventilation and can be closed during cold weather, a 12 by 12-in. side feeding/ vent door, a double pail holder, and a hay rack (optional)."
The company offers the same unit, with some modifications, as a hog hutch for pasture farrowing. The modifications include a roller in the front door that keeps pigs inside until they're 10 to 14 days old, and two guard rails, one on either side, that keep the sow from laying on baby pigs.
Both types of hutches are equipped with four tie-down holes to keep them in place on windy days.
The calf hutch sells for $235 ($225 with-out vents) and the hog hutch sells for $240.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Agro-Power, 1812 W. Johnson St., P.O. Box 390, Fond du Lac, Wis. 54935 (ph 414 922-0064).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #3