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Welder Repairs Battery Casings, Sprayer Tans
You can repair battery casings, sprayer tanks, water troughs, grain hoppers, plastic pails and anything else made out of polyethylene with our new "welder" that uses a specially-formulated plastic wire to seal up cracks. It can even repair polyolefin "crosslink'' plastic, which previously was not repairable. The beauty of this product is that anyone can use it like an expert. It runs on 110-volt power. The welder won't work on ABS and PVC plastics.
The welding wire itself is made up of a membrane which means that if a crack is repaired because of a stress situation, the repaired weld will stretch rather than break again. Sells for $49.95, including 30-ft. of wire. An additional 30-ft. of wire sells for $19.95. (John Foulllard, Fouillard Farm Supplies Ltd., Box 524, White City, Sask. SOG 5B0 Canada ph 306 781-2141; fax 306 781-2958)

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #2