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G Clamp
"It's a big improvement over old fashioned "G" clamps," say the British manufacturers of a new-style workshop clamp with features that make it one of the handiest new shop tools around.
Exhibited at a recent national hardware show, the new "Crab Clamp" holds objects firmly without twisting them. The style of the jaws lets you easily hold irregular-shaped objects of varying sizes. Rotating jaws "self-locate" to quickly grab onto a piece of work. Fast screw-in action of the clamp lets you quickly and accurately adjust jaw pressure. The screw thread and handle are at a 90? angle to the jaws so that you can work right up close to the jaws. Also, it's less likely that the screw threads will be damaged by welding splashes.
The clamps are unique in that they have a flat base so that when two or more are used to grip an object they automatically form a stand, raising objects to be clamped off the work bench.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup. Mike Freeman, "Crab Clamp", Freetrade Ltd., Unit 72 Birch Road East, Witton, Birmingham B6 7DA (ph 01 327-4840).

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1985 - Volume #9, Issue #6