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Kawasaki Mule
"It combines the benefits of an All-Terrain-Vehicle with a pickup," says Kawaski of its new utility vehicle called the "Mule 1000".
"Priced at about $5,000, it handles greater payloads than an ATV and costs far less than a new pickup. What's more, it'll go places a pickup can't go and is much more fuel efficient," Joe Vosicky, products manager, points out.
Key features include bench seating for two passengers, 4-wheel independent sus-pension, automatic transmission, reverse, a tiltable dump bed (manually operated) and a total payload capacity of 1,000 lbs. (including cargo, passenger and operator). You can easily transport the new "Mule", which measures 4 ft. wide by 8 ft. long and weighs 1,058 lbs., in the bed of a standard-sized pickup.
Power is provided by a 27 hp, 2 cyl., liquid cooled gas engine. Rack and pinion steering, and strut-type front end suspension, provide automobile-like handling, says Vosicky, who notes that the "Mule" is operated like a simple car. "A key starts the engine. You simply move the shift lever (located on the dash) up from neutral into forward, release the parking brake, push on the gas pedal and go. There's no clutch pedal to bother with and no shifting on-thego," explains Vosicky.
By flipping a switch on the dashboard, you can select the "locked mode" for driving both rear wheels when you need maximum traction, or select the "unlocked" position to drive only one wheel.
Available options include modular cab components: top, sides, doors and wind-shield. "In bad weather, the operator can use the fully enclosed cab," explains Vosicky. "If the operator only needs protection from the sun, he can just install the top."
The new "Mule", manufactured in Lincoln, Neb., is priced at $4,895 for a straight axle model; and $5,195 for a differential axle model.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A., 9950 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, Cal. 92718 (ph 714 770-0400).

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1987 - Volume #11, Issue #6