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He Waters Soybeans Before Planting
Soon after Joe Dresbach started broadcast-seeding soybeans, he realized he was losing much of the seed because it split open when it was flung from the spreader. He started wetting the beans before planting and found that the water not only reduced splitting but also gave the seeds a boost that helped them germinate and grow better.
Dresbach started broadcasting soybeans because he wanted the benefits of narrow rows without investing in new equipment. He had been broadcasting wheat for years so he was familiar with the practice.
The last couple years Dresbach's broadcast-seeded acres have boosted yields 25 to 50 percent over test plots still planted with 30-in. rows. He attributes part of the gain to broadcast seeding and part to the added moisture, which got the beans off to a fast start.
To dampen the beans he loads them intc the fertilizer spreader he uses for broadcasting and sprays them with a hose for 10 min or so until they're damp. Excess water rum out the bottom.
Dresbach spreads beans onto level, well prepared seedbeds that he has usually disked two or three times. After spreading, he disks one more time to cover the beans. One drawback to broadcasting is that it require more seed than planting in rows. He tries for 12 to 18 seeds per square foot. (Ex cerpted from a report by Gail C. Keck ii the OHIO FARMER)

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #6