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Macaroni Dog Food
If your dog is tired of the same old dog food day in and day out, you might want to surprise him with a bowl of a new dog food made with cheesy pasta.
Thompson's "Pasta Plus" dog food is made from beef, chicken, cheese and du-rum pasta. There's no need to add water or cook it. The pasta pieces stay soft and chewy because they're cooked using a patented process, says the company. Because the pasta is pre-cooked it's easy for a dog to digest.
"There are other pre-cooked pasta products on the market, but they all require rehydration," says the company. "This one is ready to eat without adding water and yet it has a shelf life of nine months. Pasta is a great flavor carrier so dogs love to eat it."
The product is sold only at supermarkets. A 4-lb. bag sells for $3.99; a 20-lb. bag for $10.99.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Thompson's Pet Pasta Products, Inc., Box 5037, Kansas City, Kan. 66119 (ph 800 228-3738).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #6