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Cheap Gates Made From Cattle Panels
"We made gates out of low-cost cattle panels thanks to a homemade gate hanger that lets you latch a cattle panel onto any steel post," says Bob McIntyre, supervisor at Iowa State Research Farm, Rhodes, Iowa.
"The hanger makes it a simple job to latch gate panels and eliminates the need for wooden gate posts. I got the idea because we have a lot of gate posts that aren't in very good shape. We can install these gates by driving a steel post down next to the corner post. It eliminates the need to put in new posts or drill holes in the old ones."
McIntyre bends down the top couple inches of each panel and bends up the bottom couple of inches in order to make the panels rigid. the panels from the top down and from the bottom up in order to strengthen them. He also welds a length of angle iron to the end of each panel. A 2-in. long section of pipe is welded on each end of the angle iron.
He made the hanger by welding a 3/4-in. dia. L-shaped steel rod to a triangle-shaped holder made out of 1-in. strap. iron. The hanger can be placed at any height on the post and is held in place by a piece of wire.
"Cattle panel gates cost much less than conventional steel gates. We paid $16 for each cattle panel. I use a shop press to bend the rod and strap iron, then weld them together."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rhodes Research Farm, Iowa State University, 1079 320th St., Rhodes, Iowa 50234-9706 (ph 515 493-2738).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #5