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Gate Tightener
We've come up with a slick gate tightener that eliminates the need for rope, twine or wire. It's easy and secure. We weld one end of a length of chain about 1/3 of the way up the gate post and weld a plate with a "key-hole" in it at the top inside corner of the gate post. You simply wrap the chain around the gate 2 or 3 times and hook the loose end in the keyhole. As the gate pulls the wrapped chain downward, the chain pulls the gate in tight. To open, you simply unhook the chain from the keyhole and unwrap the chain. It's much faster than tying and guaranteed secure. (Henry Temelder, Rt 3, Elmvale, Ontario, L0L 1P0 Canada)

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #4