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Heavy-Built, 625 Bu. Grain Cart
When Paul Pierce and sons, Kurt and Kyle, set out to build a grain cart, the Sullivan, Ill., farmers had a few criteria in mind. They wanted it to be big, tough, easy to unload, and they wanted it to be both field and road ready.
They got what they wanted with this "gondola" style grain hauler that has a 625 bu. hopper suspended inside an extra heavy-duty frame. It's fitted with a fixed semi-truck axle on back and dolly wheels up front with a 5th wheel hitch that makes for easy maneuverability. The rear axle mounts are unusual in that heavy channel iron supports tie directly to the wagon's main frame. They're also fitted with heavy leaf springs.
The wagon's fitted with air brakes - a compressor and air tank mount on front of the wagon and are controlled electrically from the tractor - and dual wheels all around. It has a center unload hatch on bottom.
The Pierces also made a long-arm rear view mirror for safer over-the-road hauling. They manufacture the rear view mirror for sale.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kyle Pierce, Rt. 1 Box 109, Sullivan, Ill. 61951 (ph 217 752-6728).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2