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World's Best Garden Hoe
"I got the idea when I used a chunk of broken disc welded to a pipe handle to clean out a trench. I carried the idea around in my head for 5 years before I finally went ahead and built a prototype," says Loren Kisby, Munden, Kan., inventor and manufacturer of the "world's best" garden hoe.
"I made a prototype in December 1990. Friends were impressed so we took it to the Small Business Development Center of Kansas which lined me up with three marketing students at Kansas State University. They took our product on as a class project and helped get it off the ground.
"Sales have increased steadily and we now have hoes in six states and are listed in a mail order catalog out of Virginia. We plan to keep exhibiting at trade shows and we're looking for dealers nationwide.
"Here's why we think we have the world's best hoe: The working end of the Rogue hoe is actually a section cut out of an ag disc blade by a plasma cutter with an optical pattern reader. The quality of this steel is at the heart of our success. The section is then sharpened so that the result is a hoe that's sold sharp and stays sharp.
"We also use only quality 1 3/8-in. dia. oak or ash handles that are joined to the head in such a way to eliminate any possibility of the head turning in the handle. The handle is slotted and is joined to the head by a pressure fitting and bonded with industrial strength epoxy, the same material used by golf club manufacturers to hold club heads on golf club shafts."
Sells for $22.95 (plus $4 UPS). Three models with differently shaped blades avail-able.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loren Kisby, Rt. 1, Box 22, Munden, Kan. 66959 (ph 913 987-5340).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #3