FARM SHOW Magazine: 2019 -  Volume 43 Issue 4 Page 16

Husk Brushes Replace Fingers On New Idea Pickers

If you’ve ever replaced the rubber fingers on the husking bed of a New Idea corn picker, you’ll like these new replacement husk brushes.
    “Our brushes are easy to install and inexpensive to replace,” says Jonas Stoltzfus, Houston Run Mfg., Kinzers, Penn.
    The brushes mount in metal brackets that clamp onto the original square shafts on the picker. A hammer is used to insert each brush into the bracket, and a punch is used to remove them.
    According to Stoltzfus, the brushes work much better than the factory one-piece rubber finger wheels found on New Idea corn pickers. “The fingers tend to break easily, and when that happens you have to remove the shaft and replace the entire wheel. We also make a husk brush holder for the Deere 300 corn picker, which comes with a hex shaft.”
    The brushes are available in 2 models: A single holder for 6 and 8-roll husking beds, and a double holder for a 12-roll husking bed.
    A set of 6 double holder husk brushes designed for a 2-row picker sells for $421.80 plus S&H. Replacement brushes sell for $2.85 apiece. Dealer inquiries are welcome.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jonas Stoltzfus, Houston Run Mfg., 40-B Pequea Valley Rd., Kinzers, Penn. 17535 (ph 717 442-9631

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