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Big Drain Pan Mounts On Castor Wheels
"We came up with the idea because commercial oil drain pans were too small for our equipment," say Roger and Bruce Elliott, Montrose, Ill., who built a big 3-ft. dia. oil drain pan - equipped with castor wheels - that they use in their farm shop.
  The metal drain pan measures 37 in. in diameter and has 9 1/2 in. high sides. It rides on three 4-in. dia. castor wheels. It's made from scrap sheet metal with three lengths of 1 1/2-in. channel iron across the bottom to provide additional support. A local machine shop sheared and rolled the metal.
  "It'll hold more than 30 gallons of oil, which is big enough to handle all the different fluids in any of our tractors or combines, including engine oil, transmission fluid, hydraulic fluid, and coolant. We like it so much that we built two of them," says Roger.
  "We got the idea when we were working at an Allis-Chalmers dealer. Sometimes we had to open six drain plugs just to empty all the tractor's cavities. We were using buckets and ended up with a mess everywhere."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Elliott Brothers, 19478 North 400 St., Montrose, Ill. 62445 (ph 217 924-4350).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4