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"Poor Man's" Work Stand For Garden Tractors
Nelson Benson, Beaver Creek, Minn., came up with an easy way to change the deck or sharpen the blades on his Kubota garden tractor equipped with a 72-in. mower deck.
  He put an anchor in the concrete pad outside his shop and runs a chain from the anchor to the tractor's rollbar. He sets a heavy-built stand on the pad just ahead of the tractor and then slowly drives forward until the front wheels are about 2 ft. off the floor, just above a notch cut into the top of the safety stand.
  When he's finished working, he moves the stand out of the way and then slowly backs up to lower the front wheels.
  "It's an easy way to do blade work on a garden tractor," says Benson. "I think this method is safer than using blocks or a front-end loader because if anything goes wrong the safety stand will hold the tractor."
  Benson made the safety stand by welding 4-in. sq. tubing onto a 24-in. diameter disc blade.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nelson Benson, Rt. 1, Box 55A, Beaver Creek, Minn. 56116 (ph 507 755-6244).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #4