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Two-Thirds Scale Model 1937 "B" Tractor
This is a two-thirds scale model 1937 "B" I made from scratch using the real thing as a model.
    The front pedestal was chopped from the rear axle off a 1950 Chrysler. The steering post was cut down from a Deere H. The cap on the air intake was a soup ladle. The top of the radiator was routed out of solid mahogany by my son. It's not a kit. I made most of the parts myself using a chop saw.
    The major parts that were fashioned to fit were the flywheel, belt pulley, brake pedals, hand clutch, radiator and the seat bracket.
    After I spray painted the tractor green and my wife painted the yellow parts, it was almost a shock every time I walked into the shop and saw the baby "B."
    I drive it in parades pulling a mini hay wagon, which I also made. (Mr. Robert Buffum, 11174 Bullis Rd., Marilla, N.Y. 14102)

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3