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Plastic Watering Trough Used As Swimming Pool
During the 2002 drought our pasture pond went dry, so my husband and I revived an old well and bought a plastic cattle watering trough. This got us through the season nicely.
  Thankfully, last year we got enough spring run-off to fill the pond so we didn't need to pump water. Still, there were some very hot days when we and our three kids found even the shade too warm for comfort. Since the swimming pool in town is too far away, we decided to use the 8-ft. dia. stock tank as a pool.
  Our whole family has had a lot of free fun and cool relief splashing around in our "new" pool. Proof that it's a multi-purpose unit can be seen in the tooth marks around the edges left behind by calves suffering from boredom.
  We paid $400 (Can.) for the durable tank. It's nice to know that we're prepared should we ever need it again for livestock purposes. (Janis Schole, R.R. 1, Pickardville, Alberta, Canada T0G 1W0 ph 780 349-3538).

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #3