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Firewood Corral
Max Dunlap, Zearing, Iowa "corrals" his firewood by using hog panels, which surround a floor made from 4 by 5-ft. shipping pallets laid side by side.
    "It saves a lot of work because it completely eliminates the need to stack wood," says Dunlap. "The shipping pallets reduce any problems with ground moisture."
    The "corral" measures 12 ft. sq. and has 4-ft. high hog panel on all four sides, held secure by metal posts spaced 6 ft. apart. Dunlap sets his log splitter up next to the corral and simply throws the split wood into it.
    "I built it because I didn't want to spend a lot of time stacking firewood. I unload the wood by hand onto my pickup," says Dunlap, who heats his house entirely with wood. "When I'm done filling the corral the firewood is stacked 8 to 10 ft. tall at the center, making a crown much like a big pile of corn. A corral full of wood will heat our house for an entire winter."
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Max Dunlap, Max's Auto, 73962 130th St., Zearing, Iowa 50278 (ph 641 487-7733).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4