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Rain Barrels Catching On Fast
Barry Chenkin may not be able to squeeze water out of rock, but he can pump it from his new rock-shaped rain barrel. It's just one of dozens of new shapes in which roof runoff can be captured.
When Chenkin first heard about the idea of rain barrels, they made sense. He saw an opportunity to start an internet supply house for rain barrels. He also applied for patents on several designs of his own.
Chenkin's Aquabarrel.com website offers not only complete systems, but also a do-it-yourself kit ($31.69) that contains a shut-off valve, three-piece hose assembly, overflow port, and downspout adapter. It's designed to fit standard barrels. Different kits are available for different barrel styles.
"It costs a lot to ship a 55-gal. barrel," says Chenkin. "You can usually find one locally for less than $40. With our kit, you have everything else you need without searching out separate components at different suppliers."
For complete rain barrel systems, you can go as big as a 3,000-gal. Water Pillow ($4,200) or as small as the 40-gal. Rock ($175). You can go in between with the Rainwater Hog ($350), a 71-in. by 20-in. by 9 1/2-in. tank that holds 50 gal. and can be used alone or in series (a 36-cell unit sells for $9,212.57). The RainBox ($375) holds 75 gal. and can be connected in series. You even can get the Nino ($199), a 55-gal. rain barrel that has plants growing from a basin in the top.
The Rainwater Hog can stand vertically or alongside a wall ($35 for vertical wall kit) or be laid horizontally under a deck or front porch. It was developed in Australia.
Chenkin also ships bulk parts with a licensing agreement for people who want to set up a local dealership.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Aquabarrel, 554 North Frederick Ave., Mail Box No. 122, Gaithersburg, Md. 20877 (ph 301 253-8855; www.aquabarrel.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4