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Concealed Rainwater Barrels
These rainwater "barrels" are hard to spot. They're concealed in patio seating, plant stands or under the deck.
"Second Rain water containers double as landscape building blocks that each hold about 40 gal. of rainwater," says Scott Gear, Second Rain, Inc. "They can be incorporated into virtually any design to create seating, pillars, walls and more."
Each 2 by 2 by 2-ft. square box holds a 2-ply, 8 mill, form-fitted liner. The UV-protected box panels are made from 98 percent recycled premium grade high-density polyethylene. They're available in cedar, chestnut, redwood and gray colors.
Boxes can be hooked up in series and equipped with pumps, hoses and hose reels as well as other accessories. Included in the $269 price is all fittings, adapters, shut-off valves and tubing to attach to another unit or collection point, as well as to a garden hose. Framework made from recycled plastic lumber is also available for customized seating combinations.
"Most of the systems are installed with a gauge somewhere near them to monitor water levels in the box," says Gear. "We make a float-type gauge for a 240-gal. storage system placed beneath a deck. The system also has a retractable hose reel and a pump tied to a switch, all stored beneath a deck with removable floor panels."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Second Rain, Inc., 8727 Airport Rd., Middleton, Wis. 53562 (ph 608 836-8448; info@second-rain.com; www.second-rain.com).

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2009 - Volume #33, Issue #4