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Burn RIght Mini Incinerator
Marjorie Birtwhistle, Winchester, Ind.: She's happy with her Burn Right mini incinerator (Burn Right Products; ph 262 227-5727; www.burnrightproducts.com). "I found this incinerator on the internet when I was looking for a better way to burn trash," says Marjorie. "I found that it does everything the company claims. I've watched as the material burns and, although flames do come out, with minute pieces of ash, there are no flowing embers or big pieces of ash that escape. Household trash and yard farm trash burn fast and safely, with little or no smoke."
  Replaceable stainless steel angle grates hold burnables in the air and off the ground, which allows incineration to occur from the bottom. Strategically located holes in the grates increase air flow into the burning chamber.
  "Burn barrels and homemade incinerators don't meet government safety recommendations, whereas our products not only meet but also exceed government standards on making homemade incinerators," says Ron Wilfer, president, Burn Right Products.
   A 42 in. high, 22 in. dia. unit sells for $379 plus S&H. A 35 in. high, 22 in. dia. unit sells for $349 plus S&H.

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #1