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"Two Banger" Bale Grabber
Tired of looking over your shoulder hauling big round bales with a tractor 3-pt. hitch? This new Two Banger bale accumulator picks up 2 bales and drops them in place without a backward glance or change of direction.
Gregg Cooper, CoBra IP, says, "It's ideal for smaller operators who use them to transport bales from field to farmstead. Other operators stack bales by the field."
The rear-mount toolbar features a wing with bale spears facing forward on either side. The operator lowers the toolbar to the ground and drives forward sliding the spears under the bales. Once loaded, the toolbar is raised, and the wing folds back on the bar. With the bales now paired and behind the tractor, they can be carried off the field. Simply lower the toolbar to the ground, and the bales slide off.
The Two Banger works with twine or net wrapped bales. The narrow (folded) profile makes travelling through gates or down roads easy as well. The simple design is lubrication free, only requiring hydraulics and a 3-pt. hitch.
"The Two Banger works with a tractor around 100 hp, but the important thing is how much your 3-pt. will lift," says Cooper. "It has to carry the 1,600-lb. weight of the accumulator and two bales."
CoBra IP sells the Two Banger direct, but is also working with several distributors. Suggested retail price is $4,995.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, CoBra IP, LLC, 375 Rodeo Road, Mason City, Neb. 68855 (ph 308 212-0741; sales@cobraip.com; www.cobraip.com).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #1