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Accessories Help ATVs Do More Work
The original Quadcrate was designed and built by a farmer in Northern Ireland who wanted an easier and more efficient way to move sheep. The enclosed metal cage, which folds flat and is fitted to the receiver and frame of his 4-wheeler, has sprouted other ideas, including crates for a UTV, a Bubble Cab, rollbar systems, toolboxes, and versatile storage cubbies.
The designers say, “We’ve always known that Quadcrate equipment can be like a Swiss Army Knife.” A recent addition is a wire unroller that handles barbed wire or smooth sheep wire. There’s also a wire tensioner for pulling woven or individual wires snug to a post.
The Postholder accessory carries posts behind the driver in a sturdy compartment so they don’t roll off or slide off. The Lambox kit fits on the back of the Postholder and provides a sturdy enclosed compartment to carry small lambs. A front Postholder mounts on the platform in front of the driver. All of these holders have rounded tubular frames and are fitted with pigtail holders to secure posts, a sledgehammer, a crowbar, or other tools.
The solid metal parts of Quadcrate accessories are made of sturdy checkplate aluminum, lighter than similar steel parts.
Quadcrate offers an animal Transport Cage that mounts to the receiver of an ATV and connects to the support frame above the fenders. It’s large enough to move a full-size sheep, a newborn calf, or even carry a dog when it’s too tired to run.
Enclosing an ATV for inclement weather is easy with the Bubble Cab, which allows see-through visibility on all sides and even has front glass and a wiper. Coupled with LED clearance and road lights, it makes ATVs and UTVs workhorses even in tough weather.
The company has received numerous testimonials praising the excellent design, durability, and ease of installation. Morgan Fahy says, “We use it many times a day, and it’s a life changer. It carries everything from mineral buckets to meal troughs to animals themselves.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Quadcrate, 43 Kilcoo Rd., Garrison, Enniskillen, BT93 4DR, United Kingdom (www.quadcrate.co.uk).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3