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Lower Cost Guidance System
“FJ Dynamics autosteer is a very affordable complete RTK unit for any tractor regardless of age,” says Steve Henry, an FJ dealer in Texas. “We have it on different tractors, including a 38-year-old Deere 4440, and love the precision.”
  Henry says the FJDynamics system includes satellite receivers, a monitor, a portable base station, a powered steering wheel, and all the connectors and wiring harnesses needed for operation. The system uses GPS satellites for WAAS guidance, and when used with the portable RTK base station, the signal provides sub-1-in. accuracy up to two miles. A more powerful RTK base station for tower or grain leg mounting provides a signal up to 10 miles. The WAAS signal without either station provides sub-4-in. accuracy.
  Henry says the FJDynamics system is easy to install and provides excellent precision operation and working stability. The system compensates for uneven terrain with an attitude sensor to provide straight line or coutour guidance no matter what slope the vehicle is on. The wheel angle sensor monitors wheel rotation and tells the control terminal which direction the vehicle is headed. Touchscreen controls and operation status are on a 10-in. monitor in the cab. The GNSS antennas provide accuracy from GPS, Glonass and BeiDou constellation satellites. One antenna is for positioning, and one is for orientation. Field information can be edited and imported in the FJD device and transferred to other devices.
  Another unique feature of the FJ system is auto turn, which allows the vehicle to make a U-turn at the end of a field without manual operation. The operator just needs to step on the vehicle brake at the turning point.
  The FJD Autosteering complete kit is $6,799. The tripod RTK receiver is $1,000, and the FJD base station for long distances is $2,499. There’s no annual signal fee, and system pricing includes unlimited software updates.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Steve Henry, Henry Bros. Farms, P.O. Box 1302, Sabinal, Tex. 78881 (henrybrosfarms@gmail.com); or FJDynamics North America (www.fjd-na.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3