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Electric Planter Drive Goes Wireless
When Jerry Graham wanted to do variable-rate seeding, his late son Toby made it happen (Vol. 42, No. 2). The electric drive unit worked so well that they started making them for others. In the years since, Graham Equipment has made multiple improvements to its rate controller. The latest is to go completely wireless.
    “We were semi-wireless, but now we’re totally wireless,” says Graham. “In addition to variable rate seeding by row, options include electric-over-hydraulic downforce and application rate control of two liquids and two dry products.”
    The company has expanded geographically since developing its first planter drive unit. Based in Colorado, they now ship controllers throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well as Mexico, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Australia, Turkey, Brazil, Argentina and Poland.
    “Ukraine was a big customer before the war,” says Graham. “Most of our customers are farmers, but we’re also getting into supplying OEMs. We still sell direct, as well as through dealers.”
    Graham notes that one thing hasn’t changed. “Anything to do with technology attracts our customers,” he says. “However, with the higher prices, customers are really looking at things before buying.”
    The company assembles all of its electronics, including control boards. Supply chain issues have made maintaining a supply of parts more difficult and required a creative approach.
    “When necessary, we’ve had to modify our product designs to match the components that are available,” says Graham.
    The basic planter drive system is priced at around $1,600 per row. The company offers products that interface with existing in-cab controllers and/or GPS receivers, as well as those that don’t. The Graham Command Pro is the only controller on the market that allows individual row population control.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Graham Equipment, 216 Oak St., Sterling, Colo. 80751 (ph 844-464-7242; www.grahamelectricplanter.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3