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Electric Fire Starter Creates Flames Fast
The Looft Lighter lets you start a fire in 60 seconds or less for faster campfires and grilling.
Turn the lighter on by pressing its top button and direct the resulting channel of superheated air at your charcoal briquettes or firewood. Within 30 seconds of contact, you should start to see sparks. Pull it back a few inches and keep it focused on the same spot. Within another minute, you should have a roaring fire.
The direct contact with superheated air makes the lighter perfect for windy days.
Once the charcoal starts, you can wait 20 mins. for it to burn down or continue using the Looft Lighter for an additional 3 to 5 mins. to speed up the process to start grilling sooner.
The Looft Lighter I costs $69 and comes with a cord that’s 9.8 ft. (3 m) long. It can light old charcoal and new with 1200 F superheated air and has an aluminum heat shield that is cool to the touch within minutes of use. A built-in fan spreads the flame around the charcoal for fast, even heating without the chemical taste that’s associated with using lighter fluid or starter cubes. Also included is a stand and bottle opener for extra convenience.
The Looft Lighter II retails for $129 and offers 30 percent more airflow and it has auto-ignition. Finally, the Looft Lighter X ($299) is an entirely cordless option that is battery-operated to light a fire in a minute. It’s powerful enough that you can use it to light multiple fires on a single charge.
Customer reviews indicate that most users love this electric fire starter. Many find it far easier than using other fire starters. Some shared that they’ve used the same Lighter for over a decade, making it well worth the initial investment.
Like all fire starters, the Looft Lighter poses safety risks and can cause severe burns.
Some models of the Looft Lighter are available for purchase on Amazon, and the lighter is also sold at retail locations across the country.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Looft Industries, LLC, 106 20th St., Butner, N.C. 27509 (ph 855-905-6638; www.looft.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #3