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Simple Rock Picker For Skid Steers, Loaders
For anyone with a few rocks, stumps or wood to clean up, Loftness offers the EZ Pick Rock Picker for skid steers, wheel loaders and telehandlers. Rebranded from the previous Kwik Pik version, Loftness has upgraded the unit.
    While not meant for scooping windrows of rocks as its bat isn’t spring-loaded like larger field versions, the EZ Picker works for sweeping single scattered rocks or debris into its bucket.
    The units come with either 72 or 84-in. buckets. The choice of size is dependent on the jobs required and lift capacity of the skid steer or loader. Mounting is easy as they’re equipped to fit universal skid steer and loader brackets and hydraulic couplers.
    “The reel isn’t meant to be run all the time,” says Dave Nelson, Loftness consultant. “You just drive up to rocks, debris, or pieces of wood, stop and hit the hydraulics to scoop it into the bucket.”
    A hydraulic motor drives the chain, which propels the 360-degree, reverse-capable bat.
    The EZ Picker opening measures 24 in. for large or small rocks.
    “When your bucket is full, just position the reel up and out of the way and dump the contents onto a pile or into a truck,” Nelson says.
    The units are manufactured in Hector, Minn., and distributed through North American dealers.
    The 72-in. EZ Rock Picker sells for $12,283, and the 84-in. for $14,933.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Loftness, 650 South Main St., Hector, Minn. 55342 (ph 800-828-7624; info@loftness.com; www.loftness.com).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #4