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2-pt. Backhoe Mounts On Skid Steer Bucket
When John Krueger needed a backhoe for work around his farm, he built one for his 2-pt. lift Deere M. When he later bought a skid steer, it only made sense to convert the backhoe to a bucket mount.
“I originally powered it with a hydraulic pump driven by a belt pulley on the M,” recalls Krueger. “When I modified it for the skid steer, I built a mount that slides onto the bucket. I just drive up to it, scoop it up, and drop in two pins to hold it in place.”
Auxiliary hydraulics on the skid steer replaced the pump, but Krueger kept the spool valve and the seat. The spool valve has three functions for the bucket plus the right and left swing.
“I get into position with the skid steer and then get out of it and onto the backhoe seat,” says Krueger. “It’s a little inconvenient, but it beats using a shovel.”
If he wants to dig a trench, he leaves the skid steer in neutral. As he grabs a bite with the backhoe, it pulls the skid steer along.
“If I want to stay in one position to dig a larger hole, I put down pressure on the bucket for added friction, and the skid steer doesn’t move,” says Krueger.
Krueger based his backhoe design on commercial units, making the main boom about 6 ft. long. With the 4-ft. stick or bucket arm, Krueger can reach down about 8 ft. He added heavy-duty gusset plates to strengthen joints and as mounts for his hydraulic cylinders.
“I used 3 to 3 1/2-in. cylinders I salvaged from other equipment or picked up at auctions,” says Krueger. “I used ones that provided the stroke I needed. The gusset plates are 1/2-in. steel. I may have overdone the strength, but I wanted it to be safe. I welded most of it with 718 rods. It’s harder to grind down, but it’s better for penetration and seems to hold better.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Krueger, 1112 County St. 2984, Blanchard, Okla. 73010 (ph 405-392-4796).

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #5