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Seed Plate Best Buy
Marty Whitney, Wellington, Ohio.: “I use seed plates from Larry Hak to plant wheat with my Kinze corn planter (www.sproutingourimportantlegacy.com; (ph 419-605-1747). I get wheat stands that are as good as what I get with a drill.
    “I started using Larry’s seed plates about 15 years ago after hearing about people using their planter to plant wheat. When I called Kinze, they recommended Larry’s plates. They said they didn’t have anything that could compete with his for planting wheat.
    “I like using a corn planter for wheat. It maintains a perfect depth and nice singulation at the population I want. I plant a heavy population, around 2 million seeds per acre with my Kinze 3600. It’s a 12-row, 30-in. row planter with a splitter, so it plants 23 rows of 15-in. wheat.
    “I’m now on my second generation of Larry’s Vartillcon planter plates. I’ve had them for two seasons, and they’re even better than his first plates. I no longer have to disassemble the planter units to switch from wheat to soybeans. His new plates plant both wheat and soybeans, as well as other crops such as oats and cover crop seed mixes. Simply vary the ground speed and gear ratio to match the crop.
    “This year, we averaged 80 bushels of wheat, and even though we were really dry this summer, we pulled around 63 to 64 bushels of soybeans per acre.
    “Larry sells his seed plates directly online. He has four versions, all priced at $39.95 per row.”

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6