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Best Buy Hand Duster
Lorn Manthey, Northfield, Minn.: “I’ve tried a lot of different sprays, cloths, and fabrics to clean dust from our combine and tractor cab windows over the years, most with limited success. Some left a film that seemed to attract more dust while others left streaks and smears that were always a nuisance to see through. Now, my go-to solution is a product introduced in 1989, The Original California Car Duster (www.calcarduster.com; ph 800-282-8828).
“The Duster has a 12-in. long handle and an oval-shaped head that holds hundreds of cotton fabric strands 2 1/2 in. long. They collect window dust during harvest from dusty roads or wind-blown fields. My dad saw this ‘miracle’ product advertised on late-night TV more than 25 years ago and bought one for my mother because she was always complaining about the dust on the dash of his pickup.
“He paid $12.99 plus S&H, gave it to my mother for Christmas that year, and she never complained about dust in his pickup again. She even had him buy another one for her car because she thought his Duster was too dirty. Ironically, that’s one of the secrets to the Duster’s success. The more it’s used, the better it cleans. I have the one my mother used on her car; it’s more than 20 years old and still does a great job. The wood handle, fabric strands, and mop head are all still intact.
“The Duster works because its cotton strands are infused with a special type of wax. The Duster actually collects dust rather than just moving it around, leaving a clear, clean window or dash. To clean the Duster, I knock the head against a hard surface and most of the dust in it flies out. I’ve also blown it clean with compressed air. The dust that remains is absorbed into the waxy fabric and collects more dust when I use the Duster again.
“Like many products today, the Original Duster has knockoffs, and from what I’ve read, they don’t work as well because they don’t use the same type of fabric or infused wax. The manufacturer says not to use the Duster on a wet surface and don’t wash it if you think it’s too dirty. If it does get wet, let it dry naturally. Always store it in the durable pouch that it came in with the product name on the outside along with the words ‘As Seen On TV.’ You can’t go wrong.”

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2023 - Volume #47, Issue #6