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Heavy-Duty Discs Come To North America
Since Ukraine’s farmland resembles Canadian prairie, it’s natural that farm equipment, like Ducat’s high-speed discs, is finding its way from Europe to North America.
    Russ Douglas has been importing dozens of these heavy-duty machines over the last 4 years.
    “The high-quality pre-lubricated bearings are the main feature making these discs popular,” Douglas says. “The company manufacturing the bearings has been doing so for over a hundred years. They were originally made for Europe’s high-speed trains and come with a one-million-kilometer warranty.”
    Ducat uses 22-in. notched blades for all their machine sizes which range in width from 8 ft. to 54 ft. Row spacing spans 7 in. between discs with the back row cutting down the middle of the front furrow. Douglas orders all his units with added heavy-duty rolling baskets.
    “These rugged machines really mix the soil and vegetation to a depth of 5 1/2 in. at speeds between 6 to 10 mph,” Douglas says. “They’re self-cleaning, which ensures they work well in wet soils.”
    All machines are built maintenance-free without lubrication points. Road transport widths range up to 13 ft.
    Douglas currently has only two discs on location, a 26 ft. and a 40 ft., which he’ll be retaining until year-end for customer viewing. He’s also building an ongoing waiting list but doesn’t expect any new discs to arrive until at least the end of January 2024.
    While prices vary depending on size, Douglas says they keep their cost competitive and lower than their competitors. He suggests interested parties contact him directly for pricing and availability.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, RD Sales and Service, P.O. Box 491, Wadena, Sask., Canada S0A 4J0 (ph 306-338-3938; r.d.saleswadena@gmail.com; www.lozovamachinery.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #1