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Harbor Freight Best Buys
Norman Sieting, Rapid City, Mich.: “As far as I’m concerned, Harbor Freight winches are the best things since apple pie, and so is Harbor Freight. I have seven Harbor Freight winches mounted to various pieces of equipment. I use a 2,500-lb. winch to pull logs out of the woods so I can hook onto them with my log arch.
    “I’ve been buying tools from the company since it was Harbor Freight Salvage, a small mail-order operation in California more than 40 years ago. When I saw my first Harbor Freight store, I stopped my truck and filled it with gear.
    “I have a bench-top miter saw and a metal break, plus drawers full of tools that are probably 30 years old. If I need to do some welding away from the shop, I pull my Harbor Freight generator on my Harbor Freight trailer to the spot.
    “When I look at all the tools I have purchased over the years from Harbor Freight, I think they could fill a truck. That’s not counting the stuff I’ve given away or scrapped.
    “Their return policy is great. I’ve only used it once. I bought a finish nailer that didn’t work quite right. I took it in, and they gave me another, just like that.
    “A friend of mine had a Harbor Freight winch, and he lost the fob. He went to a store and asked if he could order a new fob. They asked if he had a warranty, and when he said no, they told him to buy a new winch and get the warranty. Then, they said, ‘Bring the old one in with the warranty, and we’ll replace it.’
    “Service doesn’t get much better than that.”

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2