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Best Buy Salt Remover
Jim Deardorff, Chillicothe, Mo.: “I use Salts Gone (www.saltsgone.com; ph 832-242-1147) to wash my car and trucks. I can also use it to remove road salt from concrete pads.
    “We’ve had a rough winter this year, and no doubt cars and trucks will experience a higher rate of rust due to salt used on the roads. Car washes may not be effective for removing road salts, especially on older vehicles.
    “Salts Gone removes salt and brine residues and leaves a protective barrier to prevent new salt from attacking the surface. It works by bonding itself to the sodium and chlorine in salt, which breaks their bond.
    “It was created as an environmentally friendly surface preparation for cleaning salts off industrial projects like offshore platforms, ships, etc., so that paint could be applied. It has been used in automotive and aerospace industries in addition to marine. It’s non-toxic, non-hazardous, and biodegradable.
    “It’s available in a quart jug, ready to use with a hose-end sprayer, as well as by the gallon, 5-gal. pail and in bulk. You can even get it as wipes.
    “I just mix Salts Gone with water at a 1:100 ratio. Usually, 1 gal. will wash three or four cars or trucks. It doesn’t need to be rinsed off, but if you don’t, it’ll leave water spots.”

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2