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Biosynthetic Works Better Than Standard Hydraulic Fluid
Bio-Ultimax 1000 is a biosynthetic oil that lasts longer, performs better, and handles cold weather better than standard hydraulic fluids. The biodegradable product from Renewable Lubricants works well in high and low-pressure hydraulic systems. It directly replaces mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids.
“Based on oil analysis, we find that, if you would normally change the hydraulic fluid at 1,000 hrs., we can get 1,200 hrs. with Bio-Ultimax 1000,” says Ben Garmier, Renewable Lubricants. “That extra 20 percent frees up maintenance time and labor and keeps equipment in the field. There’s less wear on equipment, and you get full use out of the fluid.”
As a seventh-generation farmer, Garmier understands the value of using Bio-Ultimax 1000 in farm equipment. He appreciates that it’s safer for both equipment and the environment. Its 450 F flashpoint is 200 F higher than mineral oil-based hydraulic fluids. At the lower flashpoint, if a hydraulic line breaks and sprays onto a hot engine, it can result in a fire. Likewise, if a line breaks and flows on the ground, Bio-Ultimax 1000 will naturally degrade.
Research showed the vegetable-based oil was cost-competitive, but didn’t perform as well as pure synthetics. In many cases, a blend of the two provided options.
The products range from straight vegetable oil to pure synthetics with blends in between. “We start with Bio-Fleet hydraulic fluid, which performs as well as most conventional hydraulic fluids found at Tractor Supply,” says Garmier. “Bio-Ultimax 1000 is a step up, closer to synthetic performance.”
Bio-Ultimax 1000 is available from various retailers. On the Renewable Lubricants website, a 1-gal. jug is priced at $43.37, and a 5-gal. pail is priced at $212.27.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Renewable Lubricants, P.O. Box 474, Hartville, Ohio 44632 (ph 330-877-9982; info@renewablelube.com; www.renewablelube.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #2