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Gas Line Heater Boosts Mileage
"Anybody can do it," said Andy Amerslav as he explained to me how he boosted gas mileage on his car a whopping 20% this winter. He took five feet of rubber gas hose, spliced it into the car's gas line, then wrapped about 2 ft. of the hose around the hot water hose going to the heater. He also wrapped fiberglass insulation around the carburetor. The idea: To heat gasoline before it reaches the carburetor.
"In winter, gasoline contracts in the cold metal gas tank, then shrinks further as it passes from the gas line and can be almost crystalized when it gets to the carburetor. This is one reason so many cars stop running in cold weather," Andy explains.
He suggests buying about 5 ft. of gasoline hose from an auto supply store, and clamps to splice it into your regular gas line. Wrap a portion of the rubber gas hose around the heater hose, using about 11/z complete turns over a span of about 20 to 24 in. (you can't wrap it too many times or it will kink or have too many sharp turns in it). Tape the gas hose tight against the heater hose, then cover the both of them with a blanket of fiberglass insulation. Also, wrap fiberglass insulation around the carburetor. "You don't need the insulation during the summer months but it doesn't hurt anything so you can leave the complete hookup on the year around," Andy points out.
In testing his fuel-saving idea last December and January in his 6 cylinder Buick Sky Hawk, he averaged 13 mpg without the hookup, and 16.5 mpg with it. He went through 3 tankfulls of gasoline for each test.
"I have no patents and am not claiming any rights," he told FARM SHOW. "It's my contribution to the American people," says Amerslav, 60, who grew up in Czechoslovakia and returned to this country shortly before WW II. He has pulled together a "how to" instruction book on his fuel saving idea. If you'd like a copy, send $1.00 and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: The "Andy A. Principle," Box 32011, Fridley, Minn. 55432.

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2