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Look! A Gate You Can Drive Over
You can drive right over the new Tumble gate introduced by Portable Welding, of Tiskilwa, Ill. Simply push it over with your truck or tractor and keep right on going. The Tumble gate will automatically bounce back into the upright position on its own.
Said to be ideal for cattle, hogs or sheep, it can be bolted to concrete for a permanent installation, or fastened to a wooden drag for making it into a portable crossing that can be used wherever needed around the farm.
"As long as it's on a hard, flat surface, it can be driven over with big tractors, or heavily loaded trailers, manure spreaders or other equipment without damaging the gate itself," explains H. E. Wooden, inventor-manufacturer. "There's no pit to dig and clean, and nothing on the gate to catch onto low-slung trailers or other equipment."
Wooden notes that the gate tips either way and can be manually locked in the down position, if desired.
Cost of a 12 ft., 4 in. gate is $330; $400 for a 16 ft. gate. Other sizes available on custom order. All models are made of 1 in. dia. vertical pipe sections, and 2 in. dia. horizontal pipe.
"If cars will be crossing it, we recommend installing a rubber guard on the front bumper so the gate won't scratch as it raises and returns to the vertical or upright position. No guards are needed when crossing the Tumble gate with a tractor or truck," says Wooden.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tumble Gate, Portable Welding, H. E. Wooden, President, Route 1, Tiskilwa, Ill. 61368 (ph 815 875-2575).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2