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Make Your Own V-Belts
An emergency fan belt that fits any vehicle and can be installed in seconds with no special tools is new from Farnam Equipment Co., Phoenix, Ariz.
It's a piece of tough, thick-walled polyethylene belting 56 in. long and comes with a brass splice embedded in one end. To install, you simply thread the belt around the pulleys to measure the exact length. Then, cut off the excess, push the metal splice into the other end of the belt, and stretch it over the pulleys.
The whole operation can be done in less than 5 min. without loosening or removing parts from the car.
"It'll give at least 1,000 miles of continuous service, plus it's reusable," says Bill Remias, sales manager.
How about carrying similar but longer and heavier duty belting to the field to keep combines and other equipment rolling in case a belt breaks?
"We can supply the belting in longer lengths and heavier stock if there's a demand for it," Remias told FARM SHOW. "Although we haven't tested it specifically on combines, I see no reason why it wouldn't do the job. You can run an idler or drive pulley against the back side."
The snap-together feature of the new-style beltirig may be just what you're looking for if you've got a particular V-belt that's in a tight spot and almost impossible to replace without dismantling the machine or drive motor. With snap-together belting, you can thread the belt into position, then snap it together without having to remove outboard bearings, or having to tilt, reset or move the drive motor.
The 56 in. leng' a Emergency Fan Belt sells for $9.95.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Box 21447, Phoenix, Ariz. 85036.

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2