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Bale Alert Signals Best Time To Bale
New from Kaylor Ag Products is the Bale Alert, a simple alarm that automatically awakens you when dew moisture is just right for baling.
"Many farmers, particularly in Western states, like to bale in the dark when there's heavy dew on the hay to prevent shattering. With this alarm, there's no guesswork, and no needless interruption of sleep, in determining when there's enough dew to go baling," explains the manufacturer.
The Bale Alert is constructed in two parts. The sending unit measures the humidity in the air and is adjustable from 20 to 80% relative humidity. This unit must be placed in freely circulating outside air by placing it on an outside wall, or in an open window. The second part contains a buzzer, electrical cord, and an on-off switch. It's plugged into the sending unit and placed on a night stand next to your bed.
To operate, you simply adjust the sending unit to a desired humidity (usually 60%), and turn the buzzer switch to the on position. When humidity outside reaches the preset humidity, the buzzer goes off.
A battery-operated portable unit is available for use in the field. The plug-in 110 V Bale Alert sells for $60, plus $5 for shipping and handling.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kaylor Ag Products, 8728 Spring Lake Road, Klamath Falls, Oreg. 97601 (ph 503 884-9560).

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1979 - Volume #3, Issue #2