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Tube-Line Bale Wrapper
We at New Perth Agritech have acquired distribution rights to Grays Tube-Line bale wrapper from England which was first featured in FARM SHOW (Vol. 11, No. 5). The Tube-Line bale wrapper wraps an entire line of bales in one long continuous line. We've used one on our own farm for the past two years and find it to be a very fast wrapper designed for medium to large-sized operations. Bales are less likely to get punctured because they're not moved after wrapping and it uses about 40 percent less plastic because it only wraps the sides of the bales. We're now selling the machine in both the U.S. and Canada. (Ken Mellish, New Perth Agritech Inc., Rt. 6, Cardigan, P.E.I., Canada COA IGO (ph 902 838-4032)

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #2