Enter to win a 20V Max 10-Tool Combo Kit
March 10, 2025
Enter to win a 20V Max 10-Tool Combo Kit. Enter with the link
below, or mail your name, address and phone number to: FARM
SHOW Magazine, P.O. Box 1029, Lakeville, Minn. 55044.
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Mar/Apr Issue
March 9, 2025
Check out our current issue online now. Issue is at the printer and will be mailing over the next couple of weeks. Check out our sections on Best and Worst buys, Shop Tips, New products and Made-it-myself equipment and inventions for around the farm, ranch and shop.
Not a subscriber? Call 800-834-9665 or online at www.farmshow.com
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Harvest Member Subscription
March 9, 2025

Harvest Member Subscription
Become a FARM SHOW Harvest Member! For only $99, your subscription will include a USB digital copy of all past issues, special handling for mailed issues, archive assistance - up to 4x per year help with archive search by phone or email, exclusive preview email for each issue, editors survey to share ideas and opinions with FARM SHOW, and a special edition decal to show off your membership! Limited offer, while supplies last.
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Best of FARM SHOW 2025
January 17, 2025
Our annual Best of FARM SHOW is out for 2025. Read it FREE here:
This 56 page book features some of the best articles and compaines we have featured in the past.
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John Deere recalls 147,900 tractors over risk of brake loss
October 3, 2024
John Deere is recalling about 147,900 compact utility tractors in the U.S. due to the risk they could lose braking and crash.
Recalled John Deere 1023E, 1025R and 2025R purchased from November 2017 through July 2024." could pose a "crash hazard" to users if their front bell crank in the brake linkage experiences a failure, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).
"If the consumer is not able to transport the tractor to a dealer’s location, then the dealer will make arrangements to repair the unit at the consumer’s residence," the CPSC recall said.
Four known instances of the tractors having a brake linkage failure have occurred in the U.S. Those led to one hospitalization, two impact injuries and "minor" damage to the tractors, according to the CPSC.
A recall of another 16,800 of the compact utility tractor models is also underway in Canada.
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May/June Issue
May 2, 2024
Our May/June issue - Vol. 48 No. 3 is online and at the printer. Check out all the great ideas and products in the current issue.
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March/April Issue
March 6, 2024
Check out our current issue online now. Issue is at the printer and will be mailing over the next couple of weeks. Check out our sections on Best and Worst buys, Shop Tips, New products and Made-it-myself equipment and inventions for around the farm, ranch and shop.
Not a subscriber? Call 800-834-9665 or online at www.farmshow.com
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Covering The Largest Shows
November 22, 2023
We cover large and small shows across North America and Europe to bring you the latest and best in all things related to agriculture. Agritechnica is held every other year in Hannover, Germany and was last held in 2019 with the 4 year gap caused by Covid.
This years show had 470,000 visitors from 149 countries. Over 2,800 exhibitors from 52 countries presented their innovations, products and services across 24 halls that cover more than 100 acres.
Look for more info and products in our upcoming issue. This year's show brought a lot of new equipment and technology from around the globe. More to come in our next issue.
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November/December issue is Out
November 22, 2023
Volume 47.6 November/December is out. Copies are mailing now. See www.farmshow.com for the latest info.
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Issue Videos On YouTube
May 24, 2022
Want to see all the videos from the stories in the current issue of FARM SHOW Magazine? We have done all the work and put them all in one place on our YouTube channel. They will even play one after the other so you can watch them as a show. The current issue videos can be watched here https:////www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyGD9XoU5gSyMsthQlxsBgkMmKYhsF_1M
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If I Were A Farmer
October 2, 2021
Scott Geyer, Editor & Publisher
I didn't grow up on a farm. I spent my working career before FARM SHOW with a newspaper and printing company. In fact FARM SHOW was one of my first and biggest customers.
In printing, new technology came on fast and everything became computerized in the 90’s and continued in the early 2000’s. Printing presses had remained the same for decades. As computers brought new technology into the fold, new skills were required of operat ...
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Long-Time Senior Editor Retires
May 9, 2021Long-Time Senior Editor Retires
It’s the end of an era here at FARM SHOW as long-time Senior Editor Bill Gergen retires this month after 33 years of chasing down new products and inventions on farms and at shows across the country.
I first met Bill in 1978 when he was an editor at Farm Industry News. That magazine focused primarily on commercial new products so I would frequently see Bill at shows, talking to just about every exhibitor. He really kept me on my toes because I knew that Bill wouldn’t miss a thing and I didn’t want to get “scooped” by missing something. Each time we would have a chat, Bill would tell me how much he liked FARM SHOW and that he wished he could write more farmer invention stories like we did. In 1988, we were able to offer Bill a job and he joined our staff
Over the past 3 decades Bill has ...
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More Slow Mail, Current Issue and Free Calendars!
March 17, 2021

Our March/April issue (Volume 45 Number 2) is in the mail! We are still dealing with slow mail times from the USPS. We mailed out many replacement copies of the last issue. Our apologies to those of you who had delayed or undelivered copies. We are working with the post office and hope that they are able to get back to normal delivery times soon.
On another note – the joke around the office is that no one reads this blog. Well anyone reading this can have one of our 2021 Everyday calendars for FREE. That’s right, you just pay the shipping charge of $4.95 US or $9.95 Canada and we will send you one of our calendars. We ordered too many and it would be better to have them on a farm than in a warehouse. Order online or call 800-834-9665 and mention the code FREE.
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The Check Is In The Mail
January 5, 2021
We are getting many calls from readers wondering where their renewal, issues, books, calendars and hats are. They are in the mail! Its taking up to 20 days to get first class mail back to the office. All mail has been delayed across the country.
There are plenty of articles about it on the internet and in the news. We are still seeing delays. We are still waiting in long lines at our local post office daily, now with the same people sending all those packages to relatives are now making returns from online purchases.
Hang in there, we are doing our best to make our mail move through the USPS as best we can.
While you wait for your mail, here is a story from a reader who made a doubl ...
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FARM SHOW Every Day Of The Year!
October 10, 2020
Give the gift that keeps on giving! Look in the Nov/Dec issue for a special offer on our page per day calendar filled with some of the neatest made it myself ideas, innovative products and fun from the pages of FARM SHOW Magazine over the first 30 years. $ 19.95 including shipping and handling. Limited edition, when they're gone they're gone. Sure to be a favorite gift for your farmer this holiday season.
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The Only Show In Town
September 25, 2020
The Big Iron Farm Show went on with the show in Fargo this past week. It was good to get out and see a show and some equipment! While attendance was down, there was plenty of equipment and products to see in person.
We are all looking forward to shows coming back so we can meet, view and even kick some tires.
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Mystery Seeds from China
July 29, 2020
USDA is aware that people across the country have received suspicious,
unsolicited packages of seed that appear to be coming from China. USDA’s
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is working closely
with the Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border
Protection, other federal agencies, and State departments of agriculture
to investigate the situation.
USDA urges anyone who receives an unsolicited package of seeds to immediately contact their State plant regulatory official or APHIS State plant health director.
Please hold onto the seeds and packaging, including the mailing label,
until someone from your State department of agriculture or APHIS
contacts you with further instructions. Do not plant seeds from unknown
At this time, we don’t have any evidence indicating
this is something other than a “brushing scam” where people receive
unsolicited items from a seller who then posts false customer review ...
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Farm Shows in person vs. online
June 30, 2020
No one knows when the farm shows will return or if they will be the same or changed forever. With the news of shows cancelling this year it leaves many questions. Many state fairs and smaller shows have taken a year off during troubled times and come back over the years.
Some are trying to fill in with virtual online shows. We even considered that here at FARM SHOW Magazine. We had over 1 million page views in April to our website and thought maybe we could do an ongoing virtual show. The consensus here is that there is no real way to ‘kick the tires’ with a virtual show.
The speakers and educational info is easy to do online, that process has been in place for years and every school kid is a pro at it now, after this spring. How do you replace walking down the rows and rows of booths and equipment and stopping to check out what catches your eye while eating a good corn dog?
The work to set u ...
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Fathers Day Is Just Around The Corner
June 13, 2020
Fathers Day is not far away. Give Dad a subscription to FARM SHOW Magazine or something from our book store. Order online today!
Subscribe here
Shop our books here
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BestFarmBuys.com now on your phone
May 6, 2020
We have updated the BestFarmBuys site to work on your phone or tablet. You can now post free classified ads from your phone in the field or shop. Our "family" of web sites gets a lot of traffic, over 1 million page views per month! It's a great way to advertise your items for sale. https://bestfarmbuys.com
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Hot Off The Press!
March 4, 2020
Press time! Our new issue Volume 44 Number 2 is at the printer and will start mailing soon. We have been working on updating video for the stories and featuring them on the website.
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Video Playlist
January 28, 2020
We rounded up all the YouTube videos we could find for the current issue and put them in one playlist. They are on our main page (scroll down to videos) https://www.farmshow.com/videodetail.php?v=409 and after a short intro clip - it's short, only 6 seconds then the videos will play one after the other. You can click the 3 lines in the upper right corner and see the entire playlist and pick and choose which videos you want to watch or just let it play and it will show them in order one after the other. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and check out the great finds from the current issue. You can also see these at our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/FarmshowMagazine. We hope this playlist makes it easy to see the issue videos. Let us know what you think.
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Hot Off The Press!
January 2, 2020
Our new issue- Volume 44 Number 1, January/February 2020 is at the printer and will be mailing out soon. Look for your copy of the Best of FARM SHOW 2020 book in this issue.
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New Encyclopedia Just Published
November 4, 2019
Hot Off The Press!
I’ve been writing and editing FARM SHOW stories for 41 years. Even after all that time, the creativity that shows up at our door never ceases to amaze me. When you subscribed to FARM SHOW, you became a member of an impressive group of people who look at the world differently than everyone else.
It’s my firm belief that the world gets a little better every day and one big reason for that belief is what I’ve seen for all these years - people coming up with amazing new inventions or ideas and then sharing them with the world, whether by putting a product on the market or simply letting us publish their ideas for the satisfaction of having a positive effect on the lives of others.
Our job here is to get those ideas out to “the market” in a way that makes them easy to digest. That’s why we published our first “Encyclopedia of Made It Myself Ideas” 20 years ago and have just finished production of Volume IV of these 482-page boo ...
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Made Deere Model Tractors Out Of Pop And Beer Cans
October 14, 2019
From the Archive-1999
Made Deere Model Tractors Out Of Pop And Beer Cans
"They're a real novelty, people can't resist taking photos of them," says Ed Podhorodeski, Shipman, Sask., who makes 3 1/2-ft. high Deere model tractors out of pop and beer cans that are glued together. He has made three "pop can" tractors including two 1997 7810s and a 1949 D.
Each tractor is about 42 in. long, 32 in. wide, and 42 in. high. He uses a hot glue gun to hold the cans together initially, then uses a caulking gun to apply silicone adhesive. When he's done attaching the cans together he spray paints them green, yellow, and black.
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The Trouble Tree
September 12, 2019
The Trouble Tree
I hired a carpenter to help me restore an old farmhouse. He had a rough first day on the job - a flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and his ancient pickup truck refused to start at the end of the day. When I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.
On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching tips of the branches with both hands. When he opened the door, he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss.
Afterward, he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.
“Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied. “I know I can’t
help having troubles on the job but one thing’s for sure,
troubles don’t ...
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Sept/Oct issue on its way
September 4, 2019Thomas Jefferson - The Worst Farmer In Virginia
August 27, 2019
In the upcoming 43.5 issue we have another great bunch of articles. One that caught my eye during layout this week was an article on Virginia White Gourd Corn that dates back to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. We have had several other articles this year that also referenced, Thomas Jefferson.
My sister in law is a tour guide at Jefferson’s home,
Monticello near Charlottesville, VA.
Monticello is a great historic place to visit and learn about history,
science and agriculture. I was not
aware of just how much interest Jefferson had in agriculture.
stated in an article on Jefferson, “ He considered himself a farmer by
profession and was continually searching for more progressive ways to work his
plantations. Jefferson was always
interested in new crops ...
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From the Archives
August 7, 2019
This story appeared in Volume# 9, Issue# 5 - 1985
Simplest round bale transport we've seen
North Dakota farmer Louis Baenen, of Jamestown, built himself a low-cost, simple-to-make, transport for hauling round bales using an old running gear and two 30-ft. long electric poles to cradle the bales.
"I load five 1,000 lbs. bales on the wagon with my tractor loader, then carry the sixth bale on the bucket," explains Baenen.
He extended the running gear reach, using a 2-in dia. pipe between the two axles. The wooden electric poles are placed just inside the stake pockets and bolted to the running gear frame. Baenen points out that the poles extend 4-ft. beyond the back of the running gear. The poles are 14-in. in dia. and taper down to 10-in. Baenen purchased them from his electric company when they put in underground lines.
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New Issue Off The Press
May 8, 2019
Our May-June, Vol. 43, No. 3 issue is off the press and on the way to subscribers! It's full of amazing new inventions and ideas. Don't miss out if your subscription has expired!
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The Farmer And The Mule
February 15, 2019A mule fell into a farmer’s unused well. The farmer heard the mule braying and, after carefully assessing the situation, decided that neither the mule nor the old well were worth saving. He decided to kill two birds with one stone by filling in the old well and burying the mule to put it out of its misery.
As he shoveled dirt into the well, the mule became hysterical. However, as dirt hit his back, he’d shake it off and step up. He seemed to calm down as the process went on, continuing to “shake it off and step up” as the well gradually filled up.
It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly out of the well. Although at first it had seemed like the dirt would bury him, instead it ended up helping him. All because of the way the mule kept its head when things looked bleak.
That’s life! If we face our problems and respond to them positively ...
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Thinking About Gardening? Check Out This Simple Homemade Planter
January 15, 2019
Last year my eighth grade science teacher asked our class to invent something that would solve a problem. My grandpa likes to garden but has trouble bending over, so I came up with an invention that makes it easier for him to plant. It consists of a waist-high tube with a plastic funnel on top and an attached ruler at the bottom to aid in seed spacing. A hoe is first used to make a furrow. Then you drop seed down through the tube. You go from one seed to the next, using the ruler to determine how far apart to drop the seed. Afterward you go back with the hoe and close up the row.
I got an "A" on my invention and also entered it in a Pennsylvania Inventors' Association contest. It took first place at the eighth grade level and was also the overall winner in grades K-12. I also received a total of $400 in savings bonds for both awards. I gave my invention to grandpa and he's very proud of it. (Sarah Sherick, Middletown, Pa.)
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We get notes . . .
January 6, 2019Here's a note I got from a reader named Paul in Iowa the other day:
"I am 93 years old and I may not last another year but I don't want to miss any copies either. So here's my payment for renewal. FARM SHOW is by far my favorite magazine ever."
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New Issue Going To Press Today
January 4, 2019
The January-February issue is going to press today and will start mailing next week. Hope you enjoy!
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Living Tree Church
December 19, 2018
This living, breathing green church was “grown” by New Zealander Barry Cox, who makes his living moving trees with a tree spade. Deeply religious, he decided to merge his two passions to create one of the most unusual places in the world to get married. The “Tree Church” took 4 years to “grow” and opened to the public just this summer. Word quickly spread over the internet. You can book a wedding there for about $2,000. It seats 100. It’s also open to the public for tours and photo sessions for a fee.
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Cage-Free Ballot Measure Threatens Poultry Farmers
December 11, 2018You may not have heard about Prop 12, the latest crackpot measure approved by voters in California, given the wild fires and mass shooting dominating the news from the Golden State.
But you will before long. Check out the rapid response to the latest ballot measure backed by California’s cage-free caucus on the Farm Journal website.
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Church Bulletin Bloopers
December 6, 2018• Evening massage - 6 p.m.
• Low Self-Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 to 8:30 p.m. Please use the back door.
• Ushers will eat latecomers.
• The Rev. Merriwether spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience.
• During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J.F. Stubbs took over the pulpit.
• Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on “It’s a Terrible Experience.”
• Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
• The eighth-graders will be presenting
Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7
p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this
tragedy ...
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Convert Rural Roads To Farmland?
December 6, 2018One mile of rural roadway is equivalent to about 8 acres of
cropland and, according to a study by the Iowa-based Soy
Transportation Coalition (www.soytransportation.org), thousands
of miles of under-used rural roads should be converted
to farmland - turning a costly liability into a productive asset.
The idea was prompted by the growing crisis in rural funding
to maintain roads and bridges. Farm associations and
commodity groups have been pressuring state legislators to
increase funding for rural infrastructure. The study pointed
out that there “simply is not enough funding to accommodate
all the needs in rural areas”. Taking under-used roads “off the
books” might go a long way to solving the problem.
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Father Of The Diesel Engine
November 27, 2018Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) was a German engineer whose
goal was to come up with an engine that would improve on
the efficiency of steam and gasoline engines. He invented
the idea of using highly compressed, high temperature air to
ignite fuel and, in 1892, obtained a German development
patent. By 1897, his engine was a commercial success, bringing
him honors and wealth.
The first diesel engine for commercial service was built in
the U.S. in 1898 for use at a brewing company. Within a few
years, thousands of diesel engines were in use in many industries
throughout the U.S. and Europe.
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Our "Best Buy" Rain Gutters
November 21, 2018
FARM SHOW bought Leafguard gutters for our office building three years ago (www.leafguard.com or 800 532-3482). The one-piece seamless gutters are formed on site. Our old gutters were worn out so we had them ripped off and replaced. Leafguard gutters have performed flawlessly, keeping the gutters clean of the leaves and seeds dropped by several huge silver maples trees that tower over our headquarters. Leaves wash over the top of the gutters and fall to the ground while water follows the curved top, flowing into the gutters. After many years of having to clean out gutters by hand twice a year, we couldn't be more pleased. The cost was about 30% more than conventional gutters. Mark Newhall, Editor & Publisher, FARM SHOW.
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“Best of FARM SHOW” Issue RIP
November 20, 2018For the past 38 years we have published a special “Best of FARM SHOW” issue at the end of each year featuring the best “made it myself” ideas from the past year and many of the most popular commercial-built products previously featured in FARM SHOW. I wanted to let you know that we’re not going to produce that free “extra” issue this year. We’ve decided to focus all of our efforts on producing new material for our regular issues. One reason for this decision is that we often received complaints from readers about “repeat” stories in the “Best Of” issue. Another reason is simply that the increasing cost of printing and postage for more than 200,000 copies of that year-end issue has made it difficult to justify. For now, we’d rather put our resources into the regular issues of FARM SHOW.
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Explaining High Fuel Prices
November 4, 2018A lot of folks can’t understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in America. There’s a very simple answer.
Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn’t know we were getting low.
The reason for that is purely geographical. Our oil is located in places like Alaska, California, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Texas…….
But all our “dipsticks” are located in Washington, D.C.!!!
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Wet Fields Don't Bother Flying Farmer
October 22, 2018
I was going through some old issues and came across this story from 1979. It created quite a stir until we looked at the date and realized the creative mind of Dieter Krieg, editor of Farmshine in Pennsylvania, had "dug up" the story.
SWAMPY FURROWS - As much as the wet field conditions are causing a lot of grief for anxious sodbusters, one innovative and resourceful Pennsylvania farmer isn't letting the muddy fields bother him too much.
Hans Hubschrauber, (that's him, flying the helicopter, above) is getting the jump on his neighbors by attacking his field work with his own air force. Having 1050 acres to prepare for corn, soybeans, spaghetti, and cotton, the 37-year-old former Air Force pilot is wasting no time to get his work done.
Using a slightly modified Augusta-Bell 204 helicopter, Hubschrauber has found his "aerial tractor" to be ideal for a number of jobs, including manure spreading.
During an inter ...
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The Early Days of FARM SHOW
October 10, 2018
Harold Johnson, at left in photo, launched FARM SHOW in January, 1977. I got hired about a year later. Harold's wife, Joan (standing, left) and two neighbor ladies, Lois and Doris, literally started out with zero subscribers and grew it to 25,000 in just one year. By the end of the second year, we had 50,000 and by the end of the third year, 100,000. So it caught on very quickly. This pic was taken in Harold's office in 1978, soon after I was hired. Harold sold me the business in 1994 and died in 2006 from complications due to Parkinsons. Mark Newhall
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Easy Way To Send Us Ideas
September 28, 2018
How often do you see an idea when you’re out and about and say, “Hey, that should be in FARM SHOW”? Next time that happens, just take out your phone and send us a photo or two. Just text them to us at 952-465-5019. If you want to leave a voice mail explaining what you’re sending, this phone is dedicated to FARM SHOW stories so it’s on and available 24/7. No need to worry about disturbing anyone. Call or text day or night with your ideas, comments, or suggestions. Thanks!
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It's that time of year for shows
September 24, 2018
September and October are the busiest times of year for farm shows all over the country. We've just finished trips to 5 shows:
1. Farm Progress Show - Boone, Iowa
2. Husker Harvest Days - Grand Island, Nebraska
3. Big Iron Show - Fargo, North Dakota
4. Farm Science Review - Columbus, Ohio
5. Outdoor Farm Show, Woodstock, Ontario
Coming up are the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin and the Sunbelt Show in Moultrie, Georgia. Along the way there are a few other smaller shows here and there that we might get to.
When we go to shows, we're looking for new inventions and ideas. So we walk up and down the isles, looking over each exhibit for something new. &nbs ...
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Reading Issues Online
September 12, 2018
A lot of subscribers don’t know that their paid subscription comes with a valuable perk! You can read each and every issue of FARM SHOW in its original format as shown above. Issues are available to read on computer, tablet or phones. What’s more, there’s a comprehensive database of every story we’ve ever published that you can search.
To read an issue, log in or register at the top of this page, click on the Archives tab, select an issue you want to read, and bring up one of the stories. Beneath the story is a link that says “Click Here To Read Entire Issue” and the issue will open up.
We have put a lot of work into making all 42 years of FARM SHOW available to paid subscribers. Enjoy!
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Points to Ponder
September 7, 2018“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”Henry David Thoreau
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” Khalil Gibran
“Do your duty, and leave the rest to heaven.” Henry David Thoreau
“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.” Franklin P. Adams
“Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them.” Nelson Mandela
“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.”Kimberly Johnson
“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” William Faulkner
“You can never get enough of what you don’t real ...
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What's in the new issue?
September 7, 2018What's the most impressive farmer-built invention you've ever seen?
August 27, 2018
When I'm asked that question, this built-from-scratch articulated combine built by Wayne Vogel, a farmer in Michigan, usually comes to mind. We featured it back in 1984 and later showed his self-propelled carrot harvester and other big machinery. I spent a day in his shop and it was pretty amazing. No blueprints or any kind of designs on paper. It was all in his head.
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The Next Issue
August 19, 2018We're working on the Sept.-Oct., 2018 issue of FARM SHOW. Unlike a lot of publications, who work 6 to 8 months ahead because of advertising-related issues, FARM SHOW starts from scratch after each issue is published. That's because we don't have any advertising. Our only income comes from subscriptions and the books we sell.
So right now, I and the other 4 writers, are pulling together stories and photos. Many of them are sent in by readers. Other stories come from farm equipment shows. Some are just ideas we hear about and then chase down.
To me there's nothing more exciting than to see a great new invention or idea that I know readers will be interested in. Usually that means it will save money, time or just simply be extremely entertaining.
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Garden Products Reviewed
August 16, 2018
I just found a gardening website that's kind of interesting: www.gardeningproductsreview.com. It's just what it sounds like - detailed user reviews of all kinds gardening products. I haven't looked at everything yet. Hoping there might be an invention or two in there that I haven't heard of.
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FARM SHOW Writer's First Tractor
August 15, 2018
By Lorn Manthey, Contributing Editor
This picture shows two of my grandsons in front of a Farmall Super M-TA at a local county fair. It's very similar to a tractor my dad bought new in 1954. I started driving that one at age 8 in 1956. We used it to pull a 3-bottom plow and also disked, baled hay, hauled manure, chopped silage, ground feed, planted and later mounted a 2-row corn picker on it that my dad used for years. The TA, or torque amplifier, was activated by a lever to the left of the seat. You could pull back on it to lower the gear ratio and provide more torque in tough conditions. The tractor also had ‘live’ pto and dual action hydrau ...
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Take In A Show!
August 7, 2018Did you know we have a list of farm equipment shows right here on our website under "Links"? We update it constantly with new info and links to each show's site. Lots of shows are coming up this fall. Click here to check 'em out!
List of Shows
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Doing This Job
August 2, 2018Mark Newhall, Editor-Publisher
As of this month, I've worked at FARM SHOW for 40 years. I started in 1978 after graduating from the University of Minnesota with a degree in agricultural journalism. The founder of FARM SHOW, Harold Johnson, started the publication in 1977 after leaving his job as editor of Farm Industry News magazine. His idea was to start a magazine with no advertising so it would not be indebted to big advertisers and could "tell it like it is" about lemon products that don't perform the way manufacturers intended.
In 1994, Harold retired and gave me the chance to take over. It's been great fun and I still enjoy putting together every issue of FARM SHOW. We couldn't do it without all the contributions from subscribers who generously take time to tell us about the inventions and ideas they've come up with, as well as to tell us about their "best & worst buys", shop tips, and much more. I don ...
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Amazing Salute to Military
July 25, 2018
Food City is a Southern grocery store chain with headquarters in Bristol, Tennessee.
This is their one-minute commercial. Not a word is spoken and none is needed.
Very few commercials deserve to go viral This one does.
https://www.youtube.com/embed/ uoABty_zE00?rel=0
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Our YouTube Channel
July 23, 2018
Often when we're putting a story together, readers will send a video of their invention or idea. We've always put a few of those on our website. Lately, we've been loading many more into our "FARM SHOW Magazine" YouTube channel. Check 'em out and subscribe so you don't miss any!
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Farming With Dynamite
July 19, 2018
By Lorn Manthey, Contributing Editor
As an elementary-age farm kid, my dad’s directions were often simple phrases like “do this”, “start that”, “grab this”, “hold on” or “stay out of the way”. It was around then I heard a new phrase when an old Chevy sedan rolled into our yard. “Go help Ben”, were the directions. “Help him what?” I asked, and the response was, “Whatever he needs, and be careful”.
Ben was my dad’s cousin, a sturdy red-faced guy with gray hair, a gruff voice, a big stogie in his mouth and a friendly smile. “Junior,” he called as I walked to his car, “get in here and hold onto these”.
jumped into the passenger seat and he placed two bags of what looked like rifle
cartridges connected to baling twine on my lap. “Don’t shake the bag,” he said as we sped do ...
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Why Men Are Happier Than Women
July 19, 2018Your last name doesn’t change. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Her wedding dress - $5000. Your rented tux - $100. The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time.
Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat ...
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The Universal Prayer
July 19, 2018So far today, God, I’ve done all right.
I haven’t gossiped.
I haven’t lost my temper.
I haven’t been greedy, grumpy, nasty, or self-centered.
I’m really glad about that.
But in a few minutes, God, I’m going to need a lot of help.
Because in a few minutes . . . I’m going to get out of bed!
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Join Us On Facebook!
July 17, 2018
Have you checked out FARM SHOW's Facebook page? More than 50,000 like-minded folks follow the page. Besides stories and videos, there are special offers and FARM SHOW groups you can join. Give it a look! https://www.facebook.com/FARMSHOWMagazine
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Ole & Lena
July 13, 2018A doctor examining Lena, who was rushed to the emergency room, took her husband, Ole, aside and said, “I don’t like the looks of your wife at all.”
“Vell, me either, Doc,” said Ole. “But she’s a great cook and really good vit da kids.”
One day a mailman was greeted by Little Ole and a huge dog. The mailman said to Little Ole, “Does your dog bite?”
“No,” replied little Ole. Just then the dog bit the mailman. He yelled, “I thought your dog doesn’t bite!”
“He doesn’t,” replied Little Ole. “Dat’s not my dog.”
Ole drove into a lumber yard in his pickup. “I vould like a bunch of 4 by 2’s,” he told the lumberman.
“Do you mean 2 by 4’s?” asked the man.
“Yes,” said Ole.
“How long do you need them?” asked the lumberman.
“Vell, for a long ti ...
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A Little About My Grandpa
July 12, 2018

by Mark Newhall, Editor
My grandfather, Stanley Newhall, was born in 1889 on a dairy farm near Owatonna, Minn. He died on that same farm 89 years later. He was one of the first farmers in his area to get milking machines, thanks to the coming of rural electric power in the 1920’s. He was also something of an inventor who was featured several times in various publications over the years.
My 92-year-old father, Bill Newhall, has spent a lot of time organizing old family photos. He recently came across the photos above that appeared in national farm magazines. My grandfather had a lot of “made it myself” equipment around his place that often caught the eyes of farm magazine editors. I like to think we would have featured a few of them in FARM SHOW if the magazine had been around during his day.
Pic on left shows my grandfather, Stanley Newhall, struck a p ...
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Flow Shields Catching On Fast
July 10, 2018

An interesting fellow from Wisconsin stopped by our office the other day. Among other things, Curt Forde of Profit Organics is the inventor of a new add-on product for cultivators. “We’ve sold Flow Shields to farmers all over the country since you featured them this winter in the 2015 Best of FARM SHOW. There’s tremendous interest in this new method of cultivation, which lets you double your speed without damaging crops,” says Forde.
“This is a product that allows organic farming in a big way because you can cultivate at high speeds without the need for chemicals. Big conventional farmers can drop chemicals and no longer worry about chemical-resistant weeds. I’ve never seen a weed that’s resistant to a cultivator shovel.”
Forde came up with the idea while cultivating corn that was 6 to 8 in. tall. Large chunks of soil were wiping out plants. He went to the shop and made the first Flow-Shield ...
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New Issue Off The Press!
July 10, 2018
The July-August issue is off the press and going into the mail. It takes two months for our writers and editors to put each issue together, as we search across the U.S. and Canada for new ideas born in farm shops.
If you've got an idea you think we should feature, submit it here at the website or send to us at: editor@farmshow.com
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Points To Ponder
July 9, 2018“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.” Henry David Thoreau
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention.” Khalil Gibran
“Do your duty, and leave the rest to heaven.”Henry David Thoreau
“We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“Nothing is more responsible for the good old days than a bad memory.” Franklin P. Adams
“Once a person is determined to help themselves, there is nothing that can stop them.” Nelson Mandela
“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” Kimberly Johnson
“Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.” William Faulkner
“You can never ...
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Harvesting Water From Fog
July 9, 2018
In a rural southwest region of Morocco, rainfall is unpredictable and underground aquifers have been largely depleted. Average annual precipitation is only about 5 in. However, the region does have one precious resource. Because of its unique climate, heavy fog appears an average of 143 days a year, caused by warm air driven inland by ocean currents. As the humid air rises, it hits the barrier of the Anti-Atlas mountains and turns into thick blankets of fog. Over the past 10 years, a non-profit organization called Dar Si Hmad has set up the largest fog-harvesting project in the world. Huge mesh nets capture water particles, which then condense and drip into collection trays. Roughly 1,600 gal. of water are collected daily and pumped through 5 miles of pipes to reservoirs where it’s filtered for use by about 400 people living nearby.
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Man Invents Game That Combines Pool And Bowling
July 5, 2018

From our archives, 2011...
Love to shoot pool? Like bowling, too? Steve Wienecke has the perfect game for you. Knokkers combines the two games into one big new passtime.
Instead of using a cue stick you throw the bowling ball-sized cue ball at 15 racked balls. Then you better be ready to get out of the way of the balls that will come rolling your way.
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