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Fertilizer Side Dresser Made From Deere 492 Planter
"We bought an old 4-row Deere 492 corn planter and turned it into a fertilizer sidedresser by fitting it with 8 discs that put fertilizer on either side of four 38-in. rows," says Gerald R. Demers, Dresden, Ontario.
"We bought the old planter for $150 and then tore off the seed boxes and drives. We welded on another 2 by 2-in. bar approximately 5 in. below the original bar. The discs bolt to this bar so there's less chance of fertilizer bridging in the hoses.
"We bought four more fertilizer discs from a neighbor for $40 and used four twin-flow fertilizer brackets off an old Allis Chalmers WD cultivator and side dressing units to attach the hoses to. We had to drill a small hole in the bottom outside of the fertilizer tanks to attach the brackets to.
"To set our rate of fertilizer, we look in the planter manual. We also have made some plywood extensions that sit on the fertlizer boxes to boost capacity so we don't have to fill up as often. This rig makes side dressing fertilizer quick and easy. We use it on our 40 acres of peppers but it could be used on any crop."
"Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gerald R. Demers, Rt. 7, Dresden, Ontario N0P 1M0 Canada (ph 519 683-2413).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2