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Wind Chimes For Farmers
"We looked for wind chimes that were made to last and with a tractor or farm animal on them. We couldn't find anything on the market so we decided to build our own," say Jerry and Mary Newton, Anderson, Ala.
The wind chimes consist of a half dozen metal pipes that produce low and high pitched sounds, and a plexiglass ornament in the shape of an animal, plant, tractor, or other machinery that hangs below them.
"Ornaments we offer include 2-WD tractors, 4-WD tractors, antique tractors, pulling tractors, combines, cotton pickers, crop dusters, airplanes, cow, horse, pig, duck, cat, dog, rooster, peace dove, 4-leaf clover, and cotton boll. We'll make ornaments in other shapes on request. The ornaments come in red, white, black, blue, green, yellow, orange, and clear."
Wind chimes sell for $25 plus shipping.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Newton, Rt. 1, Box 239-A, Anderson, Ala. 35610 (ph 205 247-1535).

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1990 - Volume #14, Issue #5