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Blade Lift For Old Tractors
Here's how Vince Koebensky, Buffalo, Minn., mounted a 3-pt. grader blade on the rear of his Farmall "H" and IH 400 tractors which were equipped only with drawbars.
"The lift arm consists of a 24-in. long piece of 12 by 3-in. channel iron. Bolted to the back end of the lift arm nearest the tractor are two 6-in. channel uprights. The hydraulic cylinder is attached to the top and, at the bottom, the lift arm is pinned in such a way that it pivots. The two 6-in. uprights are welded together to allow you to bolt them into place as a rigid unit. The blade rotates 360º. The tray mounted on top of the lift arm is for additional weight, if needed."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Vince Koebensky, Rt. 1, Box 126-1, Buffalo, Minn. 55313 (ph 612 682-4276).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4