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60 Ft Spray Boom
"It didn't take long to pay for it since we're saving the $3 per acre we used to pay for custom application," says Robert Koehn, Jr., who, along with his father, built a 60-ft. wide 3-pt. spray boom.
The men use the sprayer to apply Banvel to corn and to spray CRP acres. "Now we can do the work at the best time, not when the custom applicator gets around to it. The sprayer is easy to hook up since we usually have a front-mount tank and pump on our tractor during the growing season. It saved the cost of an expensive tank spray rig and we can use one pump system for both planting and spraying. It's much easier to just keep one system in working order.
"The sprayer works great in the field with little up and down movement of the booms due to the rear gauge wheels. "We used 2 by 2-in. tubing on the middle section and on the main boom and 1 1/4-in. tubing on the boom support mast. If we did it again we'd make the middle section heavier because when the booms are folded forward, the weight bends the top of middle frame forward.
"We have only around $800 in this sprayer, using all new iron, hydraulics, spray nozzles, hoses and valves. I used 3 hand valves to turn each boom section on and off when needed, saving the cost of three electric valves which we wouldn't use often, anyway. An electric cut-off switch in the cab shuts off the system."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Koehn, Rt. 2, Box 123, Montezuma, Kan. 67867 (ph 316 846-2570).

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1992 - Volume #16, Issue #3