World's Fastest Corn Creamer
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"We say it'll process as many as 800 ears an hour but some customers have reported doing in excess of 1,100 ears in an hour," says Verlon Cox, inventor of the Black Jack Corn Creamer which he introduced at the recent Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition at Moultrie, Ga.
It consists of an aluminum housing with four serrated steel blades inside, and a push rod that the ear mounts on. The first two blades remove approximately 3/32-in. of the top of the kernel when the ear is pushed through. The two remaining blades scrape and remove all the pulp and juice from the cob. Creamed corn simply falls into a pan you place underneath, while cobs fall into a waste container.
Clean-up is a snap with a garden hose.
Sells for $225 plus $10 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Black Jack Industries, 1576 Lakeshore Blvd., Jacksonville, Fla. 32210 (ph 904 384-9982).
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World's Fastest Corn Creamer FARM HOME Food 20-6-35 "We say it'll process as many as 800 ears an hour but some customers have reported doing in excess of 1,100 ears in an hour," says Verlon Cox, inventor of the Black Jack Corn Creamer which he introduced at the recent Sunbelt Agricultural Exposition at Moultrie, Ga.
It consists of an aluminum housing with four serrated steel blades inside, and a push rod that the ear mounts on. The first two blades remove approximately 3/32-in. of the top of the kernel when the ear is pushed through. The two remaining blades scrape and remove all the pulp and juice from the cob. Creamed corn simply falls into a pan you place underneath, while cobs fall into a waste container.
Clean-up is a snap with a garden hose.
Sells for $225 plus $10 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Black Jack Industries, 1576 Lakeshore Blvd., Jacksonville, Fla. 32210 (ph 904 384-9982).
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