First Bean Buggy Built To Run In Drilled Beans
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"I built it because there was no bean buggy on the market that had a wide enough track width for our drilled beans," says Martin Krohn, Herman, Neb., who built a self-propelled bean buggy with a 14-ft. wide wheelbase that runs down the slightly wider row spacing left at either end of his grain drill.
Krohn, a recently retired engineer, has started custom-building the wide-track new bean buggy.
Built from square steel tubing, the buggy is hydrostatically-driven, powered by an 18-hp. Kohler gas engine. The driver sits in the middle-front when transporting the bean buggy. He can move himself, along with steering controls, to a position over the drive wheel when running through the beans. The drive wheel position puts the driver where he can easily see the break left between passes of the drill. The five seats are positioned with one in the middle, one above each drive wheel, and two mount on outriggers that slide out when you get to the field, allowing the buggy to cover a total width of 40 ft. Since all four of the 15-in. wheels steer, the buggy is able to make tight turns at the ends of the field. Spreader bars ahead of each wheel move tall-canopied beans out of the way. The rig's 3-ft. plus ground clearance makes it possible to use the buggy all season long.
"There's less pressure to get done early," says Krohn, noting that the rear wheels on the 10-ft. long rig follow in the tracks of the front wheels. Track width is adjustable to also adapt to row beans.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Martin Krohn, Rt. 1, Box 96A, Herman, Neb. 68029 (ph 402 654-2446).
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First bean buggy built to run in drilled beans CROPS Weed Control 14-6-24 "I built it because there was no bean buggy on the market that had a wide enough track width for our drilled beans," says Martin Krohn, Herman, Neb., who built a self-propelled bean buggy with a 14-ft. wide wheelbase that runs down the slightly wider row spacing left at either end of his grain drill.
Krohn, a recently retired engineer, has started custom-building the wide-track new bean buggy.
Built from square steel tubing, the buggy is hydrostatically-driven, powered by an 18-hp. Kohler gas engine. The driver sits in the middle-front when transporting the bean buggy. He can move himself, along with steering controls, to a position over the drive wheel when running through the beans. The drive wheel position puts the driver where he can easily see the break left between passes of the drill. The five seats are positioned with one in the middle, one above each drive wheel, and two mount on outriggers that slide out when you get to the field, allowing the buggy to cover a total width of 40 ft. Since all four of the 15-in. wheels steer, the buggy is able to make tight turns at the ends of the field. Spreader bars ahead of each wheel move tall-canopied beans out of the way. The rig's 3-ft. plus ground clearance makes it possible to use the buggy all season long.
"There's less pressure to get done early," says Krohn, noting that the rear wheels on the 10-ft. long rig follow in the tracks of the front wheels. Track width is adjustable to also adapt to row beans.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Martin Krohn, Rt. 1, Box 96A, Herman, Neb. 68029 (ph 402 654-2446).
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