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Shop Built Tractor Loader
Brian Augustin, Red Wing, Minn., built a tractor loader using the frame of an old IH Scout.
He used the Scout frame because it had 4-WD. It's powered by a Dodge slant-six engine that's channeled through two transmissions mounted in line to gear down the machine to working speed for close quarters. Steering was reversed on the machine so the rear wheels steer. That's because the weight of the loader, which bolts to the tractor frame, is over the front wheels. Augustin left the Scout brakes intact. He plans to install a cab on the machine. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Brian Augustin, Rt. 4, Red Wing, Minn. 55066 (ph 612 388-3465 or 388-7917).

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1986 - Volume #10, Issue #4