1986 - Volume #10, Issue #2, Page #07
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Revolving Chain Makes Low Cost Tillage Tool
Generally, a large chain is towed in a big loop behind a field cultivator or other implement. Some farmers, with big fields to cover, simply run up to 100 yards of revolving chain between two tractors. A special hookup attachment at each end of the chain ù made of used car or truck wheel hubs ù allows it to revolve as it's pulled forward. To get more aggressive revolving action, an 8 to 7 ft. long section of spikes can be welded to the chain in the middle area to make it revolve faster. These spikes should protrude beyond the link for about 2 in.
One farmer I know uses a long chain between two tractors to level and compact the soil after it is sown. This is in addition to a revolving chain used behind his seeder and harrow.
The type chain used is generally large bar link. Individual links are up to 6 to 7 in. long with a bar across the middle and the solid portion being up to 1.25 in. in dia. The length of chain towed behind an implement is approximately 60 to 70% greater than width of the implement itself. Generally, width overall should not exceed 35 to 40 ft. It is better to divide widths over 40 ft. into two or three separate revolving chain spans than to use a single wide loop.
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