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Powered Side Walls Heat & Cool
"My cows haven't had frozen teats since I added this system to my 100-cow free stall barn" says William Russ about ten powered side wall panels he installed on the south side of his barn.
Russ used 2 by 4's to build frames for the 8 by 20-ft. panels and nailed clear corrugated roofing to them. He hinged the panels at the top.
He mounted a 1 hp electric motor and gear box off a Knight manure spreader underneath the eves. A 200-ft. long piece of 1 1/2-in. dia. pipe that runs the length of the building runs the gearbox with a U-joint.
The pipe turns in hardwood bearings suspended under the rafters. It raises or lowers the side panels with a series of 1/8-in. dia. cables.
"They provide solar heat in winter and controlled ventilation in summer. They can be raised to any height and left open," Russ says. "Plus, they'll last longer than roll-up type canvas walls. And they allow the use of a feeder wagon from outside the barn to fill bunks, which are just inside the wall."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William E. Russ, 8309 Mitchell Rd., Roscoe, Ill. 61073 (ph 815 885-3465).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3