1992 - Volume #16, Issue #4, Page #11
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Hydraulic Lift For Baler Pickup
"In soft ground it lets me raise the pickup enough to keep teeth from digging in and it's also handy along roadsides to keep the pickup up out of the gravel," says Louis Dahlheimer, Dayton, Minn., who mounted a hydraulic lift cylinder on his New Holland 273 baler's pickup.The 2 by 8-in. cylinder installs at one end of the baler, attached to an angle iron bracket that's bolted to the side of the baler housing. The lower end of the cylinder attaches to the lift bracket on the pickup that would normally be adjusted manually.
"Now the only time I have to get off the tractor is to dump the hay basket that I pull behind the baler," says Dahl heimer, who's used the idea for the past year. "In normal operation, I run it with the hydraulic valve in the float position. But whenever needed,
I can quickly raise the pickup up out of the ground."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Louis F. Dahlheimer, 13681 Zanzibar Lane, Dayton, Minn. 55327 (ph 612 427-3636).
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